Sunday, October 30, 2011

There's a First Time for Everything

So I've decided to finally join the 21st century and get myself a blog. Mostly because I finally feel that my life was interesting enough to warrant one (for a brief time, anyways).

If you're here and reading this, then you already know that last week, I made a 3-day trip to New York City for an audition. It was probably the coolest thing I've ever gotten to do, and I shared the coolness by making regular updates to my Facebook status while I was away. Lots of people got to visit NYC vicariously through me (just like I've vicariously visited so many other places with them), and now want all the details that didn't end up on my Facebook page. And trust me, there are a LOT. So, in an effort to ensure that everybody gets alllll the fun/juicy/gory details, I'm going to talk about my trip in a series of posts on here. Trust me, it's better to hear about it this way, and not in person. Because here, have the luxuries of putting things in some kind of reasonable order, and checking my grammar, and sometimes just hitting delete when I go off on a tangent. But, if you'd still prefer to hear about it in person, I'll happily oblige. Just don't expect it to be entirely coherent! :-D

And now, on with the show!

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